In this interview Sarah shares how she uncovered her preference for Female Led Relationships and advice for women interested in exploring a FLR. Thank you to Sarah for taking the time to share her views Continue reading “Interviews with real dominant women series: “Remember this is about what you as the woman wants and not fulfilling what a male partner wants””
Interviews with real dominant women series: The most attractive quality in a submissive man? “his surrender”
In this interview Michelle shares how she uncovered her preference for Female Led Relationships and advice for women interested in exploring a FLR.
How did you first discover you were interested in a Female Led Dynamic?
The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy
For men who acknowledge female leadership and the benefits of a female led relationship, here are five ways to serve her to make her life easier and more enjoyable.
As with all other advice on this site, these are just ideas, ultimately it is about making your partner happy and following her lead. It’s all about her; listen carefully to what she wants, what makes her happy and take action. Continue reading “The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy”