Overcoming Guilt in a FLR

A letter from a reader:

“Dear Cat, my husband and I are exploring a Female-led dynamic. I’m having issues with the new balance of power; my husband will be busy doing housework and generally being at my beck and call, and I feel guilty about relaxing. In contrast, my husband seems to enjoy working whilst I chill on the sofa. How do overcome my guilt and relax into the role of Queen?”

Overcoming Guilt in a FLR

Darling Reader,

Continue reading “Overcoming Guilt in a FLR”

The FLR Weekly Review Meeting

Ah, my favourite subject—how to orchestrate a Female-Led Relationship (FLR) that runs as smoothly as a Swiss watch. A weekly review meeting can be just the ticket, so listen up, darlings. Weekly check-ins are your chance to hold court, so make it a royal affair. Level 3/4 FLRs demand this level of communication; it’s not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Continue reading “The FLR Weekly Review Meeting”

Dominating your husband’s spare time

In a previous article, we discussed how a woman in a female-led relationship could dominate her husband’s social life; in this article, we will look at his spare time and how to dominate it for the benefit of the couple.

Dominating your husband’s spare time is a great way to set the relationship on the right track and strengthen the bond.

Well, darlings, for those radiant women who stand tall and unapologetic in their supremacy, here’s how you artfully control every precious second of your man’s time within a Female-Led Relationship. Buckle up! Continue reading “Dominating your husband’s spare time”

How single men can prepare for a life of Female Leadership

Single men, get yourself ready for service! 

Single men with submissive desires should prepare themselves for a lifetime of service under female leadership.

Consider adding these skills to make yourself more attractive to your future Dominant wife, add any additional skills in the comments: Continue reading “How single men can prepare for a life of Female Leadership”