Collaring: The Ultimate Symbol of Devotion and Power for Dominant Women

Are you ready to journey into a world where women reign supreme, and men willingly yield their power? Welcome, dear reader, to the delicious domain of the Female Led Relationship (FLR), where men aren’t just “whipped,” they’re collared! Continue reading “Collaring: The Ultimate Symbol of Devotion and Power for Dominant Women”

Interview: Improving his behaviour with chastity and spanking

Each couple’s dynamic in relationships is unique, but female-led relationships (FLRs) bring a distinct twist to traditional roles. One of our readers shares her captivating journey into this empowering lifestyle, revealing the challenges, triumphs, and profound transformations that have reshaped her and her partner’s lives. Continue reading “Interview: Improving his behaviour with chastity and spanking”

Unlocking Extra Time: How a Well-Trained Houseboy Can Save You 24 Hours a Week

Save 24 Hours a Week with a Well-Trained Houseboy

Let’s dive into the luxurious world of having a houseboy at your beck and call. Imagine the endless possibilities of leisure and indulgence as he takes on those mundane tasks that consume your precious time. Here’s a tantalising list of tasks he can perform to make your life a breeze: Continue reading “Unlocking Extra Time: How a Well-Trained Houseboy Can Save You 24 Hours a Week”

Kickstart your FLR: A guide for men trapped in a vanilla relationship

Oh, darlings, gather round. It’s time for a bit of heart-to-heart, a whisper of wisdom from yours truly, Cat Boulder.

Now, isn’t it just deliciously ironic that in a world where we goddesses reign supreme, it’s the men, yes the men, who are stepping up, craving to relinquish the reins to their queens. A whopping 80% of men initiate the FLR, so to create more female-led relationships, it would be great for more men to ignite the leader in the superior partners.

Continue reading “Kickstart your FLR: A guide for men trapped in a vanilla relationship”

Interviews with real dominant women series: The most attractive quality in a submissive man? “his surrender”

In this interview Michelle shares how she uncovered her preference for Female Led Relationships and advice for women interested in exploring a FLR.

How did you first discover you were interested in a Female Led Dynamic?

Continue reading “Interviews with real dominant women series: The most attractive quality in a submissive man? “his surrender””

The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy

For men who acknowledge female leadership and the benefits of a female led relationship, here are five ways to serve her to make her life easier and more enjoyable.

As with all other advice on this site, these are just ideas, ultimately it is about making your partner happy and following her lead. It’s all about her; listen carefully to what she wants, what makes her happy and take action. Continue reading “The joy of service, five ways to make the woman in your life happy”