Female Dominant Archetypes

Step right into my parlour, darlings, and let us weave tales of female dominants, their archetypes, and the tantalizing role-play scenarios each brings to the fore. Today, we’re visiting the land of Female-Led Relationship (FLR) theatre, where every woman reigns supreme, and every man is putty in her capable hands. Continue reading “Female Dominant Archetypes”

Five parts of a man’s life women can dominate within a Female Led Relationship

Women can dominate men’s life in different ways within a Female Led Relationship.

I found the About FLR website a useful resource when I was learning about Female Led Relationships. In particular, I liked the five food groups. It’s useful when a man is maturing as a submissive and waking up to the fact that a FLR is about service first, not kink. Continue reading “Five parts of a man’s life women can dominate within a Female Led Relationship”