For men who acknowledge female leadership and the benefits of a female led relationship, here are five ways to serve her to make her life easier and more enjoyable.
As with all other advice on this site, these are just ideas, ultimately it is about making your partner happy and following her lead. It’s all about her; listen carefully to what she wants, what makes her happy and take action.
Five pillars of a female led dynamic:
- Be obedient
Simply put, do what she says. A female led relationship is not about the enactment of your male fantasies, it is the re-focussing of your entire life for the benefit of a Dominant woman. Male submission is not weakness, it takes great strength of character to openly accept female leadership in your relationship. It also means putting aside your ego, the norms in your upbringing and society expectations in exchange for living out your real purpose. Allow her to take the lead in all things, be obedient to her will, learn her ways, embrace her rules and preferences. Watch her leadership blossom as you concede to her growing dominance. Enjoy the immense fulfilment and sense of life purpose by focussing your life entirely on her.
- She’s the decision maker
Much conflict in relationships stems from disagreements over money, household chores or how couples spend their time. In a female led relationship, the man can relax and let the woman have final say on all major decision making. It’s not that your opinion is not important, just that your partnership is best if the woman in your life has final say on everything. She’ll make the best decision for the both of you.
She’s the manager, you are the subordinate. You work as a team, but ultimately, she is in charge. This open and agreed balance of power makes for a much more fulfilling and harmonious relationship. Major decisions or changes should not be made without her approval, let her take the lead and respect her decisions. Relax, knowing that she knows what is best for you, and just focus on your service to her.
- Do the heavy lifting
Do as much as the housework as possible, do it to a standard that makes her smile.
Being the leader can be tough, so shoulder as much of the menial work and day to day chores as possible to make her life easier. Real men know that the more they do, the happier their partner will be. Be a man about it and step up and do as much as possible so she doesn’t have to. Put aside chauvinistic stereotypes and do more than your partner, do it gladly and make her happy.
Especially find out the chores she really hates to do and make it your number one priority to ensure she never has to do them. Your goal should be that your female leader doesn’t have to lift a finger, doesn’t have to stress about doing things, so that she can focus on her leadership of the relationship.
- Learn
Focus on her, listen carefully to what she says, watch her reactions, be aware of what is going on. Be present. Watch for signals. What is pleasing her? Put aside your ego and accept her corrections and discipline as positive training. The better you get at serving her, the happier she will be, the stronger your partnership will be.
Look to continually improve, be a gentleman. Learn to charm her, romance her, continually surprise her, find new ways to show your devotion, to show you care. Forget who might be watching, what people might think, just think about pleasing her.
- Serve the Goddess
Set aside your kinks and selfish fantasies in favour of her absolute satisfaction. Learn to control your sexual urges and be a gentleman about it. Learn to channel your sexual energy, rather than focussing on your own self-satisfaction and selfish release, repurpose your life to focus on her satisfaction. Hand over control of your sexuality and sex life to your female leader.
Learn to pamper your Goddess outside the bedroom, wait on her, be her loyal and devoted butler. Proactively offer massages, fetch and carry for her, make her feel like a pampered Goddess. Do this – not as a means of earning rewards and your own selfish satisfaction, but for her satisfaction, for the joy of service itself. Give, and you will receive.
This is awesome. Thank you!
Excellent advice. This is one of my favorite posts on the entire Internet.
If I could add one item, it would be:
6. Compliment, encourage and support her. Make sure she always knows how lucky you feel to be allowed to serve her. Encourage her in all activities she enjoys as well as in pursuit of new passions and fulfillments. Always be seeking ways to lift her to the next level of self confidence, accomplishment, satisfaction, comfort and joy. Never forget: all happiness and meaning in your life flows through hers.
This is so perfectly said. A post I shall read daily to perfect my mindset, and more consistently serve my wife. It’s a long journey to fight my own ego and fully embrace my wife’s dominance. The five ways to make her happy is a framework she’ll surely appreciate.
Over ten years ago I surrendered control of my cock to my dominant wife. This was the best decision of our marriage. Now I live a life of obedience, submission and worship. At her feet. My wife owns me. She is my Mistress, my Cuckoldress, my Queen. I obey and I love her. Level-4 FLR is heaven on Earth!
I was unaware that submitting totally and obeying a woman could become a source of joy and bliss. Amazingly, we diverged from a situation of a typical marriage to one of extremens where the wife becomes the owner and the husband an obedient slave. This separation has bonded us immensely. We have both found our natural and ideal positions and roles: my wife, a superior being, me, just her obedient male slave. Life couldn’t be better.
Congratulations Mario! Thanks for sharing. You are living a life that I have fantasized about basically since adolescence. I am encouraged by the amount of love that you express in your message and I’m so curious to know more about it. As a nearly 67 year old man, married for about 50 years (27.5 years, then 22 years) to wives who were not at all interested in a FLR, it gives me hope for others like me that you, your wife and others like you actually exist. Have you shared about your FLR in other places?
This is an excellent post and a solid framework for men in FLRs to follow.
If you asked my wife I believe she would say that number one: “Be Obedient” is the most important. She has made clear to me over the years that she prizes my obedience above all else. I would add a modifier to be obedient though. Be UNHESITATINGLY obedient! No matter how difficult or embarrassing or whatever else her instruction may be to you just obey immediately. Don’t think. Don’t hesitate. Don’t ask questions. Just obey promptly. Nothing says you accept her leadership and her dominance like your instant obedience. Nothing acknowledges her power and makes her feel her power like your unquestioning obedience.
For myself, I think number four: “Learn” can’t be stressed enough. Paying attention, listening attentively, remembering her preferences, seeing to the trivial details that she has indicated are important to her.
I believe service and submissive language will help me to bring up this subject of female led marriage.