Survey Results: Dominant Women Want More Power—Here’s What They’re Craving

Women want more power

Ladies, it’s time to face the truth: we, as Dominant women, aren’t settling for the status quo. According to a recent survey on Female-Led Relationships (FLR), we want more power—much more. The numbers tell a revealing story about where we currently stand, and more importantly, where we want to go. Spoiler alert: the journey is all about claiming the deeper authority, devotion, and consistency we deserve from our submissive partners. Let’s dive into the findings and discuss how we can close that tantalising gap between desire and reality.

The Current State: Hovering at 2.72

The survey revealed that on a scale from 1 to 4, the average FLR level sits at 2.72. What does that mean, exactly? Well, in practical terms, it tells us that while many women are leading their relationships with a certain level of authority, they’re not fully immersed in the power dynamics they crave. It’s a bit like having one heel in the stilettos of dominance but not quite strutting confidently just yet.

Dominant Women Want More Power, The Desire for More: Aiming for 3.33

But here’s where it gets interesting: the desired level is 3.33. That’s where these women want to be. They’re hungry for more—more control, more submission, more consistency from their partners. It shows that while many Dominant women are happy with their progress, they know there’s another level to reach—a more fulfilling, unshakeable dynamic where their leadership is not just respected but deeply integrated into daily life.

The gap between 2.72 and 3.33 is a call to arms, ladies. It’s a sign that we’re on the journey, but there’s still room to claim more space, more power, and more pleasure.

Women want more power
Women want more power

The Queen’s Currency: Consistent Obedience and Submission

Now, let’s talk about what we value most in our submissive men. According to the survey, a whopping 48.2% of us say that “consistent obedience and submission” is the top form of affection and devotion we crave. And let me tell you, that’s not a surprise, but it is a confirmation. We aren’t looking for fleeting displays of affection or one-off gestures. No, what we want is a man who kneels consistently—one who shows his submission every day, in every way. A man who doesn’t just obey when it’s easy or convenient, but one who makes it his mission to follow our lead, to serve with a steady heart and an eager mind.

Consistent Obedience
Consistent Obedience is the priority

Because, ladies, consistent obedience is the foundation of trust in any FLR. It’s the daily surrender that tells us he’s all in, that he respects our leadership and knows his place with pride. And when that submission is consistent, it gives us the space to fully own our power without second-guessing his devotion. It’s the stability we need to reign as Queens.

Acts of Service and Touch: Sweet, but Secondary

Coming in at 19.6%, “physical acts of service” also ranked high, and who can argue with a man who does the dishes, runs the errands, and makes your life smoother in those practical ways? It’s another beautiful form of devotion, one that speaks to the submissive’s role in making our day-to-day lives easier. But it’s not the top priority, and it shouldn’t be. Sure, acts of service are delightful, but they’re secondary to the mental and emotional submission that fuels a true FLR.

Then, we have “physical touch and intimacy” at 12.5%. Ah, yes, we love intimacy, but it’s clear that the physical side of things comes after the mental and emotional connection. In an FLR, it’s the submission of his will, his ego, and his autonomy that really gets our motor running. The touch is just the cherry on top.

What We Find Irresistible: Devotion and the Desire to Please

So, what is it that draws us to these submissive men? According to the survey, the most attractive trait is their “ability to focus on your pleasure and happiness” at 23.8%. A man who centres you—your needs, your desires, your satisfaction—is a man who knows the essence of submission. And let’s not forget, it’s not just in the bedroom (though we do love when he worships us there). It’s about him understanding that his role is to make your life better, in every possible way.

The ability to focus on her pleasure
The ability to focus on her pleasure

Close behind at 22.2%, “devotion and loyalty” seals the deal. Because what good is a submissive man if his heart isn’t fully yours? We want men who don’t just submit—they belong to us. A man who is steadfast in his loyalty, who doesn’t waver, is a man who strengthens our confidence in our leadership. And we know that in an FLR, confidence is everything.

Then there’s the “desire to please and serve” at 21.6%. Ladies, this is the core of a submissive’s purpose. When a man finds joy and fulfilment in serving you, he’s living his true nature, and you’re benefiting from his deep sense of purpose. A man who is happiest when he’s pleasing you is not only devoted, but he’s aligned with the very structure of an FLR.

Insights for Us, Queens in Charge

What does all of this tell us? It tells us that women in FLRs know what they want and, more importantly, they know they deserve it. We’re not settling for half-hearted submission or inconsistent devotion. We crave and deserve a dynamic where our power is honoured daily, where our submissives don’t just serve, but serve with intention and focus.

And, most importantly, this survey is a reminder that many of us are on a journey toward deeper control and greater fulfilment. The gap between where we are and where we want to be is a call to step into our power with more confidence, more clarity, and more demand for what we know is possible.

Ladies, let this be your permission slip to level up. Whether you’re sitting pretty at a 2.5 or already running the show at a solid 3, there’s always room to claim more authority and bask in the glow of devoted submission. Keep leading, keep demanding, and keep building the FLR that truly satisfies you.
And remember, you’re not just a Queen—you’re the whole damn kingdom.

See also: Stepping into your power and squashing imposter syndrome

Author: Cat Boulder

Meet Cat Boulder: a sassy blogger unapologetically championing Female Supremacy with a cheeky grin and a sharp pen. She's not just preaching women's strength and leadership – she's a live wire sparking a gender-role rebellion. For Cat, women are more than leaders; they're queens to be served joyfully by men, weaving bonds of strength and sisterhood in every aspect of life. Through her zesty prose, she empowers women to own their dominance while guiding men to embrace humble servitude with gusto. Forget traditional norms – Cat's writing ignites a feisty journey towards a world where women reign supreme, and relationships bask in a harmonious matriarchy. Follow Cat on Tumblr, X or Instagram

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